Thursday, June 28, 2012

How a 1950's Horror Movie Explains Our Healthcare Crisis (And Why the Supreme Court Just Made The Right Decision) PART 2

Part 2

8. So how did we get to this point? -

Well Teddy Roosevelt wanted to start National Health Insurance program running for a third term in the Progressive Bull Moose Party....but the 1912 elections got in the way (he lost)

Later Franklin D. Roosevelt wanted to try something similar as part of his New Deal......but World War II got in the way

Then President Richard Nixon and Sen.Edward Kennedy had an idea to create something similar to Obama's plan in 1972....but two scandals (Nixon's Watergate and Kennedy's Chappaquiddick) got in the way

Then Hillary Clinton offered up a plan for universal health coverage....but William Kristol got in the way. Who?
Next time the health system fails you. You can thank him

Legend has it as a compromise to Hillarycare, President Bill Clinton and Republican Senate Minority Leader Bob Dole would craft legislation involving much of the same things in today's health care reform. Bill Kristol was the chief Republican strategist who advised then Sen. Dole they could score political points and win the 1994 election by demonizing the health care reform instead of cooperating on a bi-partisan solution.

Dole listened to Kristol, the health care reform failed, the Republicans won the 1994 election. But it also brought us to where we are today where Republicans and the Billionaire Conservative sugar daddies who bankroll them placing value on short-term political victories over the long-term public good. An old adage states politics is about winning the day but governance is about winning the future. Thanks to people like Bill Kristol and Karl Rove, the hyperfocus on politics along with the cynicism and shortsightedness that it breeds have allowed the Healthcare Blob to grow to epic proportions where the free market may not be able to solve the problem by itself anymore.

The irony is what Obama proposed was essentially a Republican idea born out of a conservative think-tank called The Heritage Foundation. The concept of an Individual Mandate was that we are responsible for own health care costs, but the creation of a health insurance exchange could help people without employer based coverage find affordable health insurance and make sure everyone had medical coverage. The reason conservatives liked this idea was because it preserved private, free enterprise system of healthcare while providing a social safety net without the need for universal health care. It's what Mitt 'Any Which Way the Wind Blows' Romney instituted in Massachusetts as Governor, you know when he championed healthcare reform before he was against it. Or was he against it first, then for it when convenient as Governor, now back against it? With him who the hell knows.

9. So without Obamacare how would this movie end? One ending is the worst case scenario -
The Gen'Xers and Y'ers and Millenials and any other 'ers who come after would like to help sustain Medicare through our payroll taxes. But since the 2008 economic crash (brought on by Boomers) sort of destroyed the concept that getting good education begets getting a good job at this rate the medical costs of the old won't be able to be paid for by the young thus starting a vicious chain reaction..... 

When health care costs escalate to where employers both big and small decide the costs of paying health insurance aren't worth the tax deductions providing employees health insurance. Note I mentioned in #2 health insurance comprises 16% of total employee costs. The magic number or tipping point for this to occur is estimated by Economists at 30%. So they turn 'employees' into 'contractors' where legally they don't have provide benefits...

And workers are left without employer coverage face huge Individual health insurance premiums that are more expensive than a mortgage....

And workers then have to spend all their money on expensive Individual health insurance premiums instead of consumer items....

And because nobody buys anything that causes economy to tank and Wall Street turns into claptrap....

And the banksters and baron robbers in the 1% who spearheaded the Obamacare takedown in Supreme Court in the first place to start losing all their wealth too.

10. The other alternate ending: Within 20 years the United States institutes Medicare For All -
I said earlier conservatives would be thankful Obamacare was upheld and here's why. In talking to my Public Health professor for my graduate classes, what Obama's plan represented was really a last ditch effort to save the private insurance industry from the Healthcare Blob. Previously things like Health Maintenance Organizations, Managed Care, Evidenced Based Care, Patient Centered Homes, Wellness Incentives, etc. and all the other industry buzz words and initiatives have failed to halt the advance of escalating health care costs.

The goal of Obamacare was to bend the medical cost curve downward causing the Healthcare Blob to retreat and eventually get it down to a manageable size. All the while preserving a free enterprise, capitalistic health system which frees up revenue for private employers to invest in jobs instead of health insurance. And the tax revenues from those jobs could be freed from paying rising Medicare costs for public investment on things like schools, and infrastructure. The kind of public investment that mark a civilized, modern, advanced society.

Regardless of rich or poor, young or old, Democrat or Republican, Tea Party or Occupy Wall Street, White or Bluecollar, 1% or 99%. All of us are at risk of being eaten by the 'The Healthcare Blob'. While the Obama plan wasn't perfect, it's a start. Republicans have the opportunity to either part of the solution or be part of the problem by continuing to be an obstacle on the path to health care reform. Eventually relief from high medical costs will become a bi-partisan demand. The latest Gallup poll shows only 17% of Americans think our current healthcare system is fine, the vast majority 83% believe healthcare reform is needed even among majority of Republicans who do not like Obama's plan.

Thus if Obamacare had been struck down and the healthcare blob had been allowed to progress down its destructive path. The likely scenario is the overwhelming public demand would eventually bring about a Medicare For All system of universal healthcare becoming law. And the conservatives who would have been popping open the champagne today over Obamacare's defeat would have inadvertently brought about the one thing they feared most: Socialized medicine in America.

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