Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Five People You'll Meet in Hell (or The Reverse Mitch Albom)

So this what it feels like when a nation collectively has a crappy week. Filled with tragedies both big and small. Planned and unplanned. For a lot of people stressful times bring out the best. I'm sure writer Mitch Albom and his totally positive take on life would collect these uplifting stories of heroism and pen some feel good tales about the human condition like 'The Five People You'll Meet In Heaven' or 'Tuesdays with Maury'. This blog is not about those people. In times of crisis there are those who rise to the occasion and those who extensively makes things worse. This blog is about the latter category. Here is a quick list of people who I think we'd all love to give the middle finger.

1.Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsaraev - For the very obvious reasons. And add to them anyone who kills in the name of religion be it Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Judiasm, or whatever. Religion sometimes is like the skeevy chick in a dive bar, the cause of most fights and conflicts.

2. Alex Jones of InfoWars and his deranged band of 'truthers' - In the hours after the Boston Marathon bombing, the Governor of Massachusetts Deval Patrick had a press conference which was pretty important for the general public considering we were in the middle of a civil emergency. Was this an ongoing crisis? Were more attacks imminent? What was the status of the injured? Before the first question could be taken, a cretin of,Dan Biodoni the hub for internet conspiracy theorists interrupted with 'Is This Another False Flag Attack To Take Away Our Civil Liberties?'

The biggest problem with the internet is when a event like this happens, it allows the rats and other assorted lowlifes to come out of the sewer to pollute online civility with their often obnoxious, sometimes sickening behavior. These are the same group of asswipes who have been harassing survivors and victim's family in Newtown, CT asserting Sandy Hook was a false flag conspiracy for the Government to seize all guns. Everything always seems to come down to far-fetched conspiracy and when confronted with irrefutable, counter evidence. Their response is well the conspiracy must be even deeper. 
Essentially the same strand runs through Alex Jones and all other conspiracy wingnuts is the blame for their pathetic lives is not because their own mistakes or bad luck, but some hidden nefarious force made up Global Zionist elitists who are personally ruining their lives as part of some vast conspiracy. It's like X-Files in its last season, running off the rails without any comprehensible shred of logic or plausibility.

3. Owners of that West, Texas fertilizer plant - The only thing worse than a tragedy is a tragedy that could have easily been prevented. With at least 15 dead, hundreds injured, and roughly an entire Texas town leveled because a fertilizer plant went kaboom with ammonium nitrate, the same substance used in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. There's a reason we have workplace safety laws, and Gov't regulation of Industry for instances like this, to prevent a fertilizer plant from storing nearly 30 times the legally allowed amount of ammonium nitrate in an unstable container. And there's a reason we have zoning laws to prevent certain things that do not belong together from ending up next to each other. Like schools and adult bookstores, or a landfill next to a farm field, or a plant housing hazardous materials next to a populated area.

Texas prides itself on being fiercely independent, and keeping Gov't out of people's lives, but they should also not be excluding common sense seeing as an inordinate amount of workplace accidents and deaths seem concentrated in the Lone Star state. As the famous Texan blogger, Molly Ivins would say, 'If you think building a fertilizer plant full of flammable chemcials next to residential neighborhood is a good idea, then you're a special kind a moron'.

4. The Senate Filibuster - Technically this is not a person but a thing. However like Pat Sajak essentially an outdated tool who has long outlived any usefulness. This week the Senate had 55 votes (out of 100) to approve of expanded background checks for firearm sales, an idea that 90% of Americans agree with including majority of gun owners in the wake of the Sandy Hook shootings. But the archaic rule of needing 60 votes to close off debate prevented the bill from being voted on effectively killing it. Plus any meaningful immigration reform, or tax reform, or anything the 21st century might require appears headed down this road as well. In most democracies majority rules, no matter how big or small. Because if a political party has won an election then they have won the right to govern.

Some concern trolls might argue, 'Well hold on there sir, as a Democrat, wouldn't you oppose it if Republicans only needed 51 votes to kill Social Security or appoint a deranged clown as Supreme Court justice, or name Jojo the circus monkey as Secretary of State?' I say let em, and then in the next election let 'em faith the wrath of an angry electorate. Until then the Senate is merely a place where progress and good ideas go to die.

Also quick special f**k you to Texas Sen.Ted Cruz. When New Jersey needed emergency relief funding for Hurricane Sandy, you initially filibustered it and eventually voted no, wasting valuable time. Because you cited preventing Gov't waste, and freedom, or something. But when a crooked plant owner inadvertently blows up a small Texas town and suddenly your all about sucking at the Federal Gov't tit for emergency aid because tragedy and Jesus would've wanted that way or something. Well filibustering can be a two way street.

5.Gwyneth Paltrow - Now she expressly did not cause any tragedies last week, but it's worth pointing out she's basically the World's biggest asshole. Some in Hollywood are asking why does everyone hate her so much? Why all the vitriol? Well for me she embodies the three most loathsome traits a human being can have:

First, she's a raging narcissist, whose collection of cookbooks, wellness guides, and internet site might as well be called 'Me,Myself, and I'. I'll assume most celebrities in Hollywood are selfish jerk-offs but unlike Paltrow, most actors at least have the ability to 'act' the part of 'likeable'. I'm sure George Clooney is enjoying the good life at some chateau in Swiss Alps but he at least keeps his enthusiasm under wraps seeing as most of the globe is in a recession right now. And some celebrities actually try to spend some their fortune to help out other less fortunate, like with Matt Damon's Clean Water campaign in Africa.

Second, she's the worst kind of rich person, the clueless kind. The kind that never had the financial limits of growing up in a middle or working class existence, and explains why very few can relate when Paltrow asks why can't every person be as fabulous as her. So when she bleats on about how the key to beauty is some $2,500 face moisturizer from Europe or her Spring fashion must have items recommended on her ode to self-absorption, total over half-a-million dollars. It's easy why most people would love throw a bag of elephant feces at her face. Plus she can stop telling average parents what to feed their kids, since I don't recall her becoming a registered dietician.

And lastly there's the nepotism thing. The reason most civilized nations got rid of monarchies and fiefdoms is the belief birth rite should not be an entitlement. And perhaps what grates me the most is she was born third base, but thinks she got there by hitting a triple. Can anyone honestly say Paltrow would have a career if she's not Blythe Danner's daughter? So good for her she's People's magazine's most beautiful in the World. But if inner beauty were on the cover it would be a picture of pig vomit.

So here's to hopefully better weeks and months in the near future.

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